Government Solutions

We have released our initial solutions for Government Agencies such as Telecoms Regulators, Security, Customs and Revenue and Taxation.

Find out about our first two Government initiatives, Device Management & Control, and A-B Verify Refile Protection.

Information on other Government Solutions is available only to relevant Government agencies on enquiry.

Device Management and Control

The Device Management and Control (DMC) Solution allows control of mobile phones and devices which connect to mobile networks for the purpose of control of illegal devices, identification of device users, elimination of certain types of fraud and enforcing collection of import duties and related taxes.

A number of Government Agencies benefit from the DMC, including Security and Intelligence Agencies with the ability to identify device owners, prevent use of unregistered devices and permitted track and trace devices of interest. Customs as a result of additional duty collection on mobile devices, the Revenue Service with increased tax collection due to fraud eliminated by the system, the Telecoms Regulator who is able to prevent the use of illegal devices and device cloning / spoofing, ensure the authorisation of approved devices, register users of individual devices and collect fees for such activities and Network Operators who benefit from greatly reduced bypass fraud on their networks, in addition to reduction in identity fraud and SIM Swap fraud. DMC also ensures that your country is safer from crime and fraud related to mobile devices.

If you are a Regulator, a Telecoms Operator or Telecoms Industry Body in your country and are interest in Device Management and Control then please complete the Information Request Form below.

DMC functional Overview

DMC functional Overview

A-B Verify Spoofing/Refile Protection

Six Degrees are in the process of implementing Out of Band A-B number verification refile protection.

The A-B Refile Protection (ABRP) module collects the outbound call information as the call is made from the Originating Operator. The call information is distributed and shared in real-time with the Receiving Operator. As the call enters the Receiving Operator’s G-MSC/TSC ABRP confirms that the call is genuine (was sent by the supposed Originating Operator) and verified calls are allowed to continue. Any calls that are not from the genuine calling party are instantly released.

The latency of the verification to the Receiving Operator from the time the call is made from the Originating Operator is typically less than 10ms. In practice this latency is irrelevant as it is faster than the time it takes for the call attempt to arrive, so there is no additional delay waiting for the verification as it is sent at the same time as the call - just over a different path - out of band.

With ABRP Six Degrees guarantee under SLA that spoofed/refile calls will be stopped from an unauthorised 3rd party network, such as transit providers or even other Operators that engage in spoofing with the CLIs of other networks.

ABRP does not stop with verification that the sending network is genuine. We include additional capability to check that the identity of the calling party is also genuine to prevent an operator directly conducting refile, which does happen.

If you are a Regulator, a Telecoms Operator or Telecoms Industry Body in your country and are interest in advanced Spoofing/Refile Protection then please complete the Information Request Form below.

ABRP Call Flows. for Normal Calls and Blocked Refile

ABRP Call Flows. for Normal Calls and Blocked Refile

Request Information.

If you are from a Government Agency, Industry Association or Operator and are interested in one of these solutions please provide your details and we will be in touch.

Thanks for your interest!


Six Degrees local partnerships.

In select markets we work through local partners. Introducing sdSoft in Tanzania.